Wednesday, 17 November 2010

The Berlin Blockade - The first conflict of the Cold War?

What caused the Berlin Blockade?

1. In January 1947 the USA and Great Britain joined their zones together to form Bizonia (two zones).
2. In 1948 Marshall Aid was introduced. The USSR was concerned that it would reach Soviet Satellite states via Berlin.
3. USA and GB introduced a new currency into West Germany and West Berlin. People in
east Germany wanted to swap their money for the new West German currency because they thought it was worth more.

The USA argued that Stalin was trying to get rid of the Americans from Berlin. they also claimed that Russia was trying to empire-build in Eastern Europe.
Stalin claimed the new currency had been introduced to wreck the east German economy. Stalin said the airlift was 'simply a propaganda move intended to make the cold war worse.'

C - Czechoslovak

ia Coup

A - Aims

B - Bizonia

A - America Aid

N - New Currency

What were the consequences of the Berlin Blockade?

C - Cold War got worse

E - East and West German states created

N - NATO and Warsaw Pact

A - Arms Race


On of the results of the Berlin Blockade was the creation of NATO. The crisis in Berlin illustrated the need for a more coordinated approach by the West in order to prepare for the possibility of Soviet aggression. In April 1949 as a result of talks with Canada and other western allies the North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO).

NATO was significant because it involved the USA in a military alliance during peacetime and as a result signalled to the USSR that it was not about to return to a position of isolationism.

The guiding principle of NATO was that an attack on one of its members was an attack on all. A NATO command was established to coordinate the defence of its members. Stalin viewed the creation of NATO as a deliberately provocative action.

Creation of FDR and GDR

The second result of the Berlin Crisis was to end any hope of reaching an agreement over Germany. The division of the country which was agreed at Yalta and Potsdam was only ever meant to be temporary but it was now to become a permanent state. In August 1949 the three Western zones joined together to form the FRG (Federal Republic of Germany). In response, the Soviet zone became the German Democratic Republic (GDR).

The rearmament of Western Germany

Why did West Germany need rearming?

This is a question that the French asked a lot!!! They were very worried about the idea of creating a strong re-militarised country on their border...AGAIN! However....
1. The USSR had successfully tested an Atomic Bomb
2. The USSR had introduced a paramilitary police force into the GDR (East Germany)
3. North Korea invaded South Korea - Ulbricht (GDR) watched this and considered this as a possibility to unite the GDR with the FRG.
4. The FRG (West Germany) had become the front line between Western democracy and Communist East Europe.

How was the FRG rearmed?

the French were very unhappy about the idea of the FRG having their own troops in any large numbers so the Western Allies reached the SPOFFARD COMPROMISE. This resulted in NATO creating a West European Force. Troops from the FRG were allowed to join this force and its objective was to defend Western Europe.

What were consequences of West German rearmament?

The East German Rising

The Warsaw Pact

The Warsaw Pact was the Soviets response to the admittance of West Germany into NATO. Formed in 1955 it was an agreement to defend the soviet bloc of Eastern European countries. In the same way as NATO its guiding principles were that an attack on one would prompt a defensive response from the others. It practice, the Pact strengthened the position of the Soviet Union in Eastern Europe as it made the countries of the Soviet Pact reliant on Soviet forces.

The Berlin Wall

The development of Detente

Impact of the New Cold War 1979-1985